South Steens HMA Trip Report 2024

Wow!! What a spectacular few days I had out at South Steens HMA. This year we took the 4 wheel drive truck named 'Hank' which allowed us to explore more BLM land, some roads can be sketchy. I was glad we did because this was my first year at Steens where I saw very little horses off of the main loop.
It was very HOT the days we were there, unfortunate timing. As a result, we planned our outings very early and at the end of each day when the horses may be more active. On day two we treked up Burnt Car Road, and found several horses calming resting by waterholes, however it wasn't until we got further into the HMA when the wild show began.
We came up to a large waterhole with many cows, and one lone chestnut stood on a ridge above the waterhole, ears perked, elegantly poised to take off at anytime.

We inched our way closer, and I was able to start snapping away. Within a split second, out of seemingly nowhere, up the ridge appeared her mate. A glorious, golden palomino.

I was so shocked, I had to remove my camera from my eyeballs to see what had actually happened. I am not a photographer, so my pics will not do this moment justice, however, the light off his coat, radiated gold. A spectacular moment in time to see this pair standing together in the morning light. Strong, healthy, agile and weary of humans. I am thankful that it is etched in my memory, because there was no time to paint on site to capture this moment.

Within what seemed like a split second they took off over the backside of the ridge. We decided to hike over and see if we could spot them again, sure enough there they were in a large grassy opening behind the ridge. Several other herds were nearby and they were all calling amongst themselves. The pair trotted around a while, the stallion kept his mare closeby, then they took off into the trees where we could no longer see them.

While we found other horses on this trip, there is something so magical about finding the horses that are truly wild. What I mean by that is, they are weary of humans, flighty and expressive about being seen, flared nostrils etc. After several outings to Steens, you become to know when you are in the presence of such animals. While the HMA is large, there are horses that can be seen just off the main loop or the Frenchglen highway. Many of these can horses act seemingly lacksidasical about being photographed. However that also makes it easier if you decide to try some plein air.

Earlier in the morning, I had an alarming moment photographing one band where the stallion became very brave. Too brave. Keep in mind, I am photographing with a long lens and this photo is cropped. However, while shooting stallion "Traveller" he would take one bite of grass then another step towards me. As you can see the expression on his face looks like any common horse, like you are about to put a halter on and take him back to the barn for a ride. However, these ARE wild horses and my feeling he was very habituated to people, but I would never take any chances trusting him. He could pin his ears and charge, spin around and kick you in split second. You don't want to end up like one of those Yellowstone idiots that try and pet a bison, only to end up getting skewered.
I am not sure what was up with him, but I did not leave myself in the open and crept to my right behind a large rock and a tree and he pushed his band up and past me. It was quite the opposite experience seeing the palomino pair.
Traveller had with him two mares, one with a striking facial marking. I have since learned she has been named Talyn - because it looks somewhat like a bird of prey talon.

Here she is almost hiding herself behind a tree. She is quite feminine and elegant. I love the way the morning light glowed behind her.
We found one small band up in the Lauserica area. I was way far away for this one and was not able to get great shots, but you can see the stallion has only half of one ear.

He must have earned his mare the hard way is my best guess.
So now what do I do? I sort through all my materials, organize my images and start dreaming up ideas for paintings. I love when the material is fresh. It is when I am most inspired. So hang in there, I am starting a new one this week, there is a looming deadline for a show just may reach if the painting gods are on my side. 😊